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Adding a Flow to An Event

This demonstrates how to add a message flow to an event so that it will send automatically to customers.

Default Flow

The default flow is added on to every single event in advance. If this flow is blank, no messages will be sent to customers. However, if there is a standard message for every single event then flow steps can be added and will send out automatically at the time they are scheduled. This means the messaging would never have to change, unless it's for a particular special event.

Remember - never add flow steps to the default flow until you are ready for messages to be sent to customers.

Adding a new flow

When the flow is created and all steps are ready to go our to customers. They can now be added on to the events via the Events page.
Click on the chosen event and this will take you to the list of individual instances, or performances, that are available as part of this event.


Clicking on the Edit button will then navigate to the page where the flow can be selected. It will show a list of all future instances which can be selected (with a tick) or deselected (removing the tick)
Instances can be filtered by time or date to make this easier.


Remember that all instances that are ticked will be changed and the deselected ones will stay as they were previously. Once happy with the selection, choose the relevant flow from the drop down menu before hitting "Update Instances"


After this is complete, the flow next to the selected instances will change. This can be checked or amended at any time to make sure the correct flow is added. After this, sit back and watch the messages go out at the scheduled time. 
