Basics: Opt-in CSV Upload
Do you have new Opt-ins and Opt-outs that you need to get into your mailing list? A simple upload is all it takes!
When we first start using new tools it can be tricky, but they sure help get the job done a lot faster.
Here's how to use our Opt-in tool:
1. Start by clicking on the wand to access Tools
2. Create a CSV File with CustomerEmail, PermissionStatus and Message Time
2.1 On the column Customer Email add the client email you want to opt-in or opt-out
2.2 On Permission Status add 0 if you want to opt-out or 1 if you want to opt-in
2.3 On Message Time Should add the date and time , it should be in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format string: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS-XX:XX (X is the time zone, with a +/- in front). Example: 2023-04-18T19:14:30.000-06:00
2.4 Optional field - Topic. You can add an additional column for topic if you would like to import the topics / interests the sign-up is for. Examples of this could be Promotional emails, Information emails, and Rock events, When adding these to the new column, make sure to use commas (,) as a delimiter if using more than one topic.
Example in excel:
Example in text editor:
3. Drag and drop the file to this section:
4. Confirm on your email that it was properly uploaded
And it's done! 🎉 Your opt-ins and opt-outs are up to date!
Optional fields - Topic
Common Errors with the CSV Uploader:
Please try these common solutions when your upload fails or you get an error message.
1. Message Time: do not drag the time column down so that the next number in sequence appears. Excel doesn't recoginze that these are times and does not stop the final numbers at :59 as it should. Instead, just copy the first time and paste it into the rest of the spread sheet.
2. Empty columns: this is most easily seen if you open the CSV in Google Sheets. Open the sheet and review your columns. If you have empty columns without headers or info, please delete them enitrely from the end of the sheet. For example: if you are only using email address, marketing permission, and message time, you'd delete everything from Column D through the end of your browser scoll.
3. Column names with spaces: please confirm that your column titles do not have any space between words or after the last word.