Basics: Opt-in CSV Upload
Do you have new Opt-ins and Opt-outs that you need to get into your mailing list? A simple upload is all it takes!
When we first start using new tools it can be tricky, but they sure help get the job done a lot faster.
Here's how to use our Opt-in tool:
1. Start by clicking on the wand to access Tools
2. Create a CSV File with CustomerEmail, PermissionStatus and Message Time
2.1 On the column Customer Email add the client email you want to opt-in or opt-out
2.2 On Permission Status add 0 if you want to opt-out or 1 if you want to opt-in
2.3 On Message Time Should add the date and time , it should be in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format string: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS-XX:XX (X is the time zone, with a +/- in front). Example: 2023-04-18T19:14:30.000-06:00
2.4 Optional field - Topic. You can add an additional column for topic if you would like to import the topics / interests the sign-up is for. Examples of this could be Promotional emails, Information emails, and Rock events, When adding these to the new column, make sure to use commas (,) as a delimiter if using more than one topic.
Example in excel:
Example in text editor:
3. Drag and drop the file to this section:
4. Confirm on your email that it was properly uploaded
And it's done! 🎉 Your opt-ins and opt-outs are up to date!
Optional fields - Topic