Guide: Using AI tools in email campaigns
Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the way we communicate through email. By leveraging AI technology, easily make emails more effective and engaging.
Activity Stream has added AI enhancements to the email builder so that our clients have improved email capabilities and streamlined writing tools. Every tool in the email builder that features a green star icon on the top right is AI enhanced.
To use the AI tools, drag the appropriate icon into your email template.
Header Tool
To use the Header AI tool, drag the header to the builder and write a title. Click on the title and on the left side select Get Suggestions, then select the intended tone of voice. Choose the title that best fits or refresh for more options
The Button Tool and Header Tool operate in the same way.
Image Tool
To use the AI Image Tool, drag the image to the builder. Click to add an image and on the left side select Generate Images. Describe the image that should be generated and click enter. The tool requires several words in the description; add words to get to 100% to generate an image. The more details in the description the more accurate the image will be. Select the preferred image or refresh for more options.
Smart Text
Drag the text tool to the builder and write or copy/paste content into the text block.
Click on the text block and select Smart Text from the editor menu. Choose an option from the AI modal. Combine with other smart text options by clicking on Smart Text again.