
  • Code Library
    Here you will find some of the most commonly used merge tag codes to add to your messaging. By using these, you can set up a standard message that will be unique to each customer and will automatically pull in the information that is needed. If you need any help in adding more complex messaging p...
  • Text Flow Example Templates
    Here you will find some templates that you can use to create your own flows and edit them to suit your needs. Remember this list is not exhaustive, it’s just to help you get started and show you the kind of messages that our clients usually send. If you’d like any further help with this please co...
  • Representing Dates and Times Within your Message Templates
    Here we learn how to add datetime relative to another datetime so that your customer messaging is clear.    We are used to receiving generic messages that tell us “the show is 120 minutes long” but in crowdEngage we can change these messages so that it tells your customer the exact time they can ...
  • Dynamic Pluralisation
    Here we explain how to keep your messaging grammatically correct using the template code.   Sometimes you write messages where you need to refer to an unknown quantity. For example, each customer might have booked a different number of tickets to a performance. It could be one ticket or multiple...
  • URL Shortening
    Here we explain the crowdEngage built-in URL shortener that includes click tracking Text messages that are over 160 characters long are counted as one message per 153 characters, so it pays to be concise! crowdEngage includes a built-in URL shortener which will replace every web address included ...
  • Conditional Logic (If/Else Statements)
    Here we learn how to send a different message depending on the customer criteria of your choice, using if/else statements If/else statements are used to change the content of your message depending on different variables that relate to your customer. This means that by using code, you can say dif...