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How to Send an Automated Text

Here we will demonstrate how to send an automated SMS message to customers attending an event.

All messages are created in the "Flows" section of crowdEngage. This can be found from the main page of the dashboard by going to the "Messaging" drop down menu.

Flows are an entire conversation that is had with a customer. This could include various steps including a pre-show SMS an a post show SMS. This can also include emails.


Before anything is created on the Flows page, the only flow showing will be the Default Flow. This will begin with no steps included in it. This is because the default flow will automatically add to all performances, which is handy if there is a generic message that will work to send for all customers and events. In this case you would add steps to the default flow and let it run on it's own.  Alternatively, it can be left blank and never used so that the flow can be changed and there is better control over the messaging.


To create a new flow you would click n the "Add Flow" button and then select a name for the flow which will help to identify it easily in the future.

After the flow has been named, you would then click β€œAdd step” to create the text that relates to the subject of the flow. Only one flow can be added to each individual performance, so make sure to put all of the steps you may need within this flow

From this next page you can choose which customers to send the message to. There is the flexibility to include/exclude customers with certain ticket types or other criteria. The default is to send the message to all customers booked in for that particular performance.

Then you can choose the send time of the message, in relation to the start time of the performance. This could be sent the day before to maximise drinks orders or a few hours before, if you think it would be a more helpful reminder to your customers.

Creating a pre-show text is then very easy. Hit β€œNew text message template” and then simply write the message in the box as seen below.

The formatting of the text may seem daunting at first but we are here to help on and there is a handy template guide to give you some ideas or starting points. 

Don’t forget to add {{ your_visit_url }} which will bring up mobile ticketing for the customer when clicked. 

Adding the Flow to an Instance

Once you have saved the message. The flow can then be added to the specific event by going to the "Events" page (from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen), selecting the event you want to amend and hitting the edit button.

This takes you to a page where you can add a flow to an instance. So the chosen flow and chosen menus can be added and sent to everyone booked in for that particular event.

The events can be filtered by start-time if, for example, it was only the matinee performances that were to be selected. All the instances shown with a tick will be included in the changing of the flow. The ticks can be removed by clicking on the individual boxes to remove these

After this step has been completed and "update instances" has been clicked, the flow will change and the message will be scheduled to send to customers.

If you have any queries at all, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on and we can help you out.