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Text Flow Example Templates

Here you will find some templates that you can use to create your own flows and edit them to suit your needs.


Pre-show Messages

{{ customer.first_name }}, here are your tickets for {{ }} at {{ instance.friendly_start_time }} today:
{{ your_visit_url }}
Don't forget to preorder your interval drinks, using the link above! We'll bring them to your seat.

{{ customer.first_name }}, here are your tickets for {{ }} on {{ instance.friendly_start_date }} at {{ instance.friendly_start_time }}:

{{ your_visit_url }}

You can also order ahead and skip the queues at the bar! Tap the link above to browse our menus and place your order.

{{ customer.first_name }}! Tap here to see your {{ pluralise("ticket", "tickets", tickets) }} for {{ }} on {{ instance.friendly_start_date }} at {{ instance.friendly_start_time }}:

{{ your_visit_url }} 

{{ customer.first_name }}, here are your tickets for {{ }} at {{ instance.friendly_start_time }} at {{ instance.friendly_start_date }}

{{ your_visit_url }}

Save time and you use the link above to pre order drinks, snacks and merchandise before you arrive. For pre show or the interval.

Please arrive from {{ relative_datetime(instance.start, minutes=-30).strftime("%-I.%M%p")|lower }} and use the main entrance.
The Dress Circle Bar is open 1 hour before the show starts.

Pre-visit Message

{{ customer.first_name }}.

{{ }} is tomorrow, and we can't wait to see you. We have a few things we'd like you to know before you arrive, so please visit our pre-visit FAQ: 
{{ your_visit_url }}

If you need parking, it's a good idea to book it in advance - the link is on a tab in your mobile ticket.

See you tomorrow!

Post-Show Message

{{ customer.first_name }}.

We hope you enjoyed your visit to {{ }} tonight. We would appreciate if you could spend 5 minutes completing the survey below so we can help make every theatre experience wonderful

(Link here)

Show Cancellation Message

We're sorry to inform you that {{ }} this evening has been cancelled. We'll be in touch shortly to arrange a refund or rebooking. If you have any urgent queries please call the box office on 0000 000 0000


Remember this list is not exhaustive, it’s just to help you get started and show you the kind of messages that our clients usually send. If you’d like any further help with this please contact