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Use Case: Targeting Historical Customers using Tags

Targeting historical customers can have value when a performer has a return engagement or for reenagement for donations

Our clients are very engaged with their most recent buyers and loyal customers and get pattern tracked, analysed, and emailed.

But what about the customers who haven't made a purchase in a number of years? Here is a brief overview on how to track past customers using customer tags. Customer tags are a simple way to reengage with customers who are otherwise difficult to segment. Learn about all of the Activity Stream customer tags here

How to find clients from 2+ years ago:

1. Go to Customer Overview


2. Go to the Customer Tags graph and search Inactive


   2.1 An inactive customer is a customer without purchases within 3 years of today

   2.2 A going inactive customer is a customer who is within a year of going inactive

3. Click on Going Inactive and Inactive

Inactive Customers have the same granualar details as current customers. Continue to segment into events or price types and reengage with theme by using the graphs on the  Customer Overview. Save the segment, and revisit it any time. It is a dynamic segment, so as further customers become inactive, theis segment will grow. If past customers do make new purchases, they become active and are no longer in this segment or have this tag.