What's New in crowdEngage
Here we lay out the new features for our clients.
- Updates to Criteria builder
- Clients can now use Price Band as a criteria to segment customer messaging
- Customer tags are now available to Spektrix clients in the criteria builder and will allow customers to use tags to segment
- Constituents are now available to Tessitura clients in the criteria builder and will allow customers to use these to segment
- Spektrix and Tessitura clients can now use delivery method as an option within the criteria builder - More Control When creating Menus
Now when you create menus you can choose which POS system the items will pull from (if you have more than one venue or more than one Till site) - This selection can only be made from the drop-down menu at the time of creating the menu and can't be changed after that.
You can also decide whether or not the menu is synced to your till system (adding and removing items from the till directly) or if you want it unsynced and you will add and remove from crowdEngage.
If the button is selected it will be synced and unticked will be added manually from your product list. - Previously this had to be completed by support.